Robbie was born October 8th at 7:43 p.m. weighing 8 pounds and measuring 20 inches. He had some trouble during labor and had to be quickly taken out of his mommy. Mommy and baby stayed in the hospital for a few days and are now doing very well. He is so cute! I hope you all agree! Here are a few pictures from his first days in this world.
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Getting Closer!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Baby Shower! July 21, 2008
What is that? I won the poopy diaper game! I guessed all the melted candy bars correctly!
Aunt Julie, Brooke, and Rachel
Guessing what baby will look like!
Pass the Pacifier
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Our First Home!
We signed papers on our first home the end of June and moved in at the beginning of this month! It is a three-floor townhouse, and so far, we are really enjoying it! More space and more to decorate! We have been visiting family a lot lately so we still need to get to know our neighbors, but so far, those we have met are great. Thank you to all those who helped us move and all those that have visited us!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Little One on the Way!
Our little boy is growing more and more each day, and so is his mother!
The ultrasound pics were taken in May and the picture of the pregnant lady was taken just the other day. Jason and I can't wait to hold our little one in our arms! We are already getting to know him a little from his movements. We are busy making plans and preparations. We just had a baby shower and were blessed with many great gifts. It made me realize how real this baby is and made me even more excited about his arrival! So far, he and his mother are healthy and strong. He is due to arrive October 9th.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Family Fun Fotos
Here are some fun fotos taken during Christmas break.
My brother Jeremy playing with his son and neice. I thought they were cute playing together!
Let it Snow!
During Christmas break all my family got together. We had fun in the snow one afternoon at Mom's house with neice Taylor and nephew Austin. It continues to snow around here and seems like it's been a long winter!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Well, I have been 27 years old now for almost two weeks. Sometimes it kind of hits me that I am getting so close to 30 and that some people around me that seem older than me, really aren't! My birthday was great! I have a wonderful husband who gave me some excellent and thoughtful gifts AND set up a surprise family party for me. I celebrated my b-day four times in a week. A couple of family get togethers, and then my real birthday. The kids at school made sure my birthday was announced on the loud speaker and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I love those kids! Life is great!
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