
Saturday, October 17, 2009

He made it to the BIG ONE!!

Here's a picture I took of Robbie while outside on his birthday. He loves being outside!!

The cake my mom and I made for his party. Jungle theme:)

Lily and Robbie playing before the party.


Framed said...

Congratulations, Robbie. First birthdays are so fun, especially getting your hands into that cake. Great photos.

julie said...

What a cute kid! Sigh. I wish you lived closer so I could see him, and you guys, more often. Oh well. I'm just glad I see you all as much as I do. The party was a lot of fun - thanks for inviting me! :)

Booklogged said...

Happy Birthday to Robbie! It's just amazing how fast a year goes by. Loved seeing the pictures.