
Thursday, June 4, 2009

What happened in May?

Robbie's Month of May Report

Mommy went to SUU's college graduation to support our family. I hung out with Daddy at Grandpa's house.

Todd, Christie, and Lily and Koda too!

After graduation, we went to Grammie's house. I played with my cousin Lily.

My Auntie April came for graduation too:)!

Mommy took me to the state track meet. I played with some of my second cousins

I wore this hat for the first time at Cameron's baby blessing.

I told Mommy and my grandmas: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I gave Mommy a card and some flowers. I also shared my slobber with her and gave her some hugs.

I went swimming in a real pool for the first time on Memorial Day. I think the water is fun! It is shiny and I love to SPLASH, SPLASH, SPLASH, kick, kick, kick, SPLASH, SPLASH, SPLASH!!!!!

Grandma Susan visited me. She is funny! We went to look at flowers together along with Mommy and Daddy.

I met my cousin Austin for the first time. I kept looking at him because he is so neat!

And, of course, I took some naps!

I also have been very busy scooting around the house. Things with strings are fun to pull. Everything tastes great if I put it in my mouth, especially paper. You should try tasting things too. I like going under and climbing over things. Daddy put up this wall and sometimes, I really don't like it. I also like pulling myself up onto my feet. I have bumped my head many times. I also have two more teeth (top two front teeth). That makes four.


Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

This is such a cute post. I"m glad Robbie is doing so many cool things, and those are some cute second-cousins he's got :) Can't wait to see you guys this month!

julie said...

Darling post! I love how you told it from Robbie's perspective. He's getting so big and is such a cutie - I can't wait to see him and his parents!